Forerunner in sustainable building

We create the most sustainable living areas in the World

The built environment causes 39% of CO2 emissions. Our solutions are carbon neutral and integrate different solutions and practices for holistically sustainable living areas.

Smart Village Builders Ltd. is the unique joint venture of six apecialized company representing a world class skills, knowledge and solutions in the field of sustainable engineering and architecture. All of them provides solutions that takes Green Building to whole new level.

For the planet building and living puts a great load on the planetary ecosystem and climate. As a basic need living concerns us all. has accepted the challenge and created Älykylä® and Älykortteli™ concepts. The most sustainable areal solutions that minimizes the impact to the environment and enhance a higher quality of life. Sustainability in our solutions is holistic and takes in action many of the levels of sustainability.

If you want to build living areas, low-rise or high-rise buildings, travelling villages or even industrial buildings and you want them be optimal in every way ,and minimize the cost of usage, please contact us. We will help you to achieve your goal.

97,6 kg

of CO2 sequestered per m2 of wall.



less lifetime emissions in 20 year time period



smaller lifetime costs compared to conventional methods

  • Älykylä®

    Älykylä® is a new way of build living areas. It is also a service -concept for municipalities and other customers to create the most sustainable living areas. It is a holistic solution to make ecological, financial and social sustainable living.

  • Älykortteli™

    Älykortteli™ is fitted to urban environment. Smart Village Builders Ltd. offers services to constractors and builders who are willing to build high-quality and climate friendly living areas or buildings.

The elements of sustainable living

What is a sustainable living? Sustainability can be measured in several different level. Climate impact and CO2 -emissions, environment impact, recycling, social sustainability or financial sustainability. Everything Smart Village Builders will plan or build has to be stainable from every angle and level. Here is some examples of what sustainability means for us. We offer our expertice for our customers in all following sustainable solutions. We make the planning, deliver building elements and energy solutions to our customers.

Energy efficient building materials

All of the building materials are selected to be as sustainable and energy efficient as possible to the target location and need. For example straw stores carbon like wood but is much more efficient in insulation. It also grows faster and it can be used to build a pretentious modern buildings.

Integrated energy solutions

Energy is produced with clean solutions locally. Energy solutions are integrated to buildings to have as high cost efficiency as it is possible.

Optimization in every day usage

Smart home technology gives an opportunity to optimize the energy usage. Optimization saves energy and money. It also reduces the environmental footprint and extend the life of building.

Healthy houses

Natural building materials, better air quality, constant living conditions, accessinility and other factors makes a healthy living environment.

AI Energy optimized buildings

Every planned building will be energy optimized wit AI. Result is the most cost and energy efficient buildings possible.

Seasonal storage of energy

Buildings will be integrated to areal energy system. It provides a possibility to use seasonal storage of heat produced at the summertime to use at the wintertime heating of buildings. Our solution make heating carbon neutral and cost efficient.

Financial sustainability

All the solutions are made to extend the life of buildings and to reduce the costs of living in the areas and buildings. Low energy cost, group building (if used), shared economy solutions and tailored ownership will give a great advantage to residents and owners. Älykortteli™ is also a great investment opporunity.

Joint usage

Shared economy is one way to reduce the consumption. It saves money and recourses. Shared cars, boats, lawnmovers, tools, hobby equipments are just a example of possibilities. In Älykylä® the resident will have a lot of benefits that allows to have more with less.

AI optimized areas

Entire areas, plans and energy solutions/usage is optimized with AI to be as cost and energy efficient as possible during building and lifetime. Areal energy solution gives a great benefits to owners and residents.

Smart homes are healthy

Smart home technology is assembled to every building in the area. It improves the living experiement, keep houses healthy and indoor air quality excellent all time.

Social sustainability

Communality improves the quality of life. We can’t promise communality because it is always born from people. We however do everything in our power to make a great athmosphere communality to grow and prospere by motivating and encouraging to work on common good, by joint usage solutions and many other means considering every days life as a natural part of every day living.


Healthy houses with accessibility, smart house technology, Älykylä® solutions and low living costs creates a safe living area to everyone. With add-ons it is possible to have every safety services and to even monitor a vital functionals of residents and ensure help is getted when needed.

  • Living in Älykylä®?

    Living in Älykylä® gives a lot of benefits compared the ordinary living. Modern and ecological houses could be yours even without a personal housing loan. By filling the form opening from the button below you can apply to Älykylä®. At the momentyou can apply to Gadolin Älykylä®. Our very first area in the world in Mynämäki Southwest Finland.

  • To build and constract Älykylä® and Älykortteli™?

    We are monitoring new possibilities all the time to start new projects. We are looking for new land areas, properties, , areal development projects, investors and cooperatives to build more Älykylä® and Älykortteli™ -projects with us. Are you interested? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Joint forces for sustainability

Sustainability is such a vast topic and therefore we embrace collaboration. We are a joint venture of 7 Finnish companies - all specialists in a specific area of sustainability.

Ongoing projects

Mynämäki - Gadolin Smart Village

Gadolinin Smart Village in Mynämäki, Finland is the World’s first Smart Village and simultaneously the largest group building project in Varsinais-Suomi. The construction will start in spring 2022