• Environment and Climate friendly

    We are using only natural materials with lowest possible impact to environment and climate. Materials are binding carbon to them selves thrue a lifetime. Elements are produced from renewable materials and sustainable methods.

  • Energy efficient

    With a high standars of architectural planning, AI optimization and material selections Model-X became energy and cost efficient during a whole lifetime. Model-X selection fills highest passive house standards and with integrated energy solutions energy efficiency can be improved even more.

  • Healthy

    Model-X is built from the materials with = VOC emissions. Materials are natural and there is no plastic at all in structures. Indoor air quality stays high and level because of a clay plastering.

Model-X Mini -

Bigger than it seems

Smallest Model-X -model is Mini. 39 squaremeter building is a compact, functional choice to the person who values the functionality and the brilliant use of space. Everything you need is fitted to small house.

Mini suites perfectly to holiday resorts used all year around. Sleeping places are easily managed to four people.

Model-X S -

Small family house

Model-X S is planned to a small families. Large bedrooms gives a lot of storage space and lot of space to play or work. Remote working is easy. Combined kitchen and living room works out as a family unifying center.

Model-X M - Versatile space

We wanted to bring a utmost feeling of space to rooms, where you spend most of your time. Spacious kitchen combined to living room creates a cozyness to every day life. Second floor “studio” has own bathroom to increase privacy.

Model-X L -

to larger family

In the biggest house model is a lot of rooms and space for big families. Large bedrooms gives a lot of space to do anything. From one room you can acces to balcony that works as a second living room.

Make it stand out.