Älykylä® attracts more people

Älykylä® is a holistic service for municipalities to attract more residents

Moving wave that we have never seen before is going on. People are looking fo a new place to live from areas more peaceful and safe. Make sure your municipal is competitive with concrete and competitive housing solution - Älykylä®.

Älykylä® -service includes planning and marketing of the living area. Only tasks that are statutory, definition of the goals and pointing the area will remain to municipality. We manage everything else.

Building will be done as a cooperation based group building project.

(We do the planning and energy optimization to municipality owned rental condominiums and real estate companies when they are building the buildings for their own use. It can be the housing area, new building or renovated building)


We start new Älykylä® projects with background study and make the offer if we think municipality has potential and committed.

Additional information about the application process CEO Juri Laurila +358 40 514 5000, juri.laurila@arctic2020.fi

Why you should have Älykylä® in your municipality?

If your municipality is marketing it self with closeness to nature, peaceful and good place to live and run a business? Congratulations, everyone else is doing the same!

Älykylä® is a way to separate from other competitors by offering a concrete, environmental friendly and ecologic housing option that will boost the building in municipality without a huge risks.

It doesn’t matter is your municipality gaining or losing residents or if the housing markets are silent, there is no rental apartments or free apartments are from 1970’s and if unconsciolable loan terms are preventing new building. In that case you need us to boost up building.



Municipalities that are willing to show the world it is on the top of the sustainable development and brave to make “out of the box” -decicions, environmental friendly decisions and separate from other municipalities. That kind of municipality is the municipality where people wants to move.

Älykylä® -project increases the interest to municipality and people will move to there even before Älykylä® is built.

Climate goals.

39% of the climate emission is from housing. In Älykylä® carbon footprint is 0. Every Älykylä® resident will reduce the overall emissions of the municipality and show the example of energy-efficient solutions benefitting the climate.

When the municipality makes the contract with us, we will desigand market Älykylä® to the residents. Municipality doesn’t have to make a great investments or take the big risks. Return of the investment is under one year.

Älykylä® - Easy and profitable




Smart Village Builders will do the planning from start to end. Energysolutions, communnality and ecology are concidered from the start of the planning. We will produce all the plans and cost calculations.

Competitive tendering

Areas will be built by the construction companies. To have a cost effective area builders will be tendered. We enchance the local partners. Also the financing will be tendered.


Smart Village Builders will do the marketing in cooperation with municipality.


Smart Village Builders will lead and supervise the building, takes care of the residents interests and looks that the project will be executed with high quality. Building project will always be lead and executed professionally.


Smart Village Builders helps residents in maintenance and supports the development of a high living quality together with housing cooperation. Smart Village Builders iffers the infrastructure to technical maintenance, monitoring and optimization of living conditions.

Never ending development

The development of the Älykylä® doesn’t stop when the houses are built. Smart Village Builders with its cooperatives will develop services to smart villages and the residents. Never ending development is a part of our values and customer promise.

Älykylistä® sanottua


Mika Riipi

Maakuntajohtaja, Lapin Liitto

”Maaseutukuntien tulevaisuus muokkautuu sen mukaan, miten hyvin onnistumme houkuttelemaan uusia asukkaita alueelle. Kiinnostus Lapissa asumista kohtaan kasvaa koko ajan. Työpaikkojen määrä on kasvussa ja työntekijät tarvitsevat asuntoja. Kaivoshankkeet, metsäsektorin kasvu ja kasvava matkailu tarvitsee yhä enemmän työntekijöitä. Nyt onkin päätettävä, tehdäänkö heille tilapäisiä työasuntoja, vai tarjotaanko vaihtoehtona koti työntekijöille perheineen. Myös haja-asutusalueen palveluverkosto kaipaa uutta, kestävämpää toimintamallia.

Smart Village Buildersin osakasyritys ASV Arctic Smart Village Oy keskittyy toiminnassaan asukashankintaan ja asumisen kehittämiseen rakentamisesta aina pitkälle tulevaisuuteen. Kokonaisvaltainen ja asukaslähtöinen asumisen malli tarjoaa uuden vaihtoehdon maaseutuasumisesta haaveileville. Näen ASV:n Älykylä -konseptilla hyvät edellytykset kasvattaa kuntien ja koko Lapin alueen elinvoimaisuutta, sekä vastata moneen alueen haasteista.

Jaakko Ylinampa

Ylijohtaja, Lapin ELY-keskus

”Kasvavat elinkeinot tarvitsevat myös kestäviä asumisen ratkaisuja. Artic Smart Villagen Älykylä® -konsepti tuo uuden asumisen vaihtoehdon olemassa olevien ratkaisujen lisäksi, jolla on erinomaiset edellytykset vaikuttaa maaseutukuntien tulevaisuuteen pitkäjänteisesti. Älykylä® on houkutteleva asumisen vaihtoehto niin työhön tuleville kuin heidän perheilleen. Konsepti voisi auttaa myös suurhankkeiden rekrytoinnissa, kun asuntojen sijaan rakennetaankin koteja.”

Ota yhteyttä


Juri Laurila


+358 40 5145000